ill go in chronological order okay??..(like any one gives a shit!!)
any way
it was back in delhi..
i had almost geared up to leave fer the states..only a few loose ends needed to be tied up before leaving..One was sending my bike home from delhi...
not so difficult unless you imagine the logistics involved..
any arranged fer a trucker to haul my bike home in his truck..all fine and dandy so far..all i had was to go to gurgaon and drop off the bike at the truckers office..
all good..i drove the bike over and then had the task of makin it back to my place in delhi...the point was how?
i was deliberating the point on how best to make it back ...when the trucker offered me a ride...
a lil unsure at first..i accepted...
i got into the truck...and get this
it was amazingly typical..i mean i always imagined what the inside of the truck cabin was..i mean its the guys 2nd home fer cryin out loud....anyway it had this "jhalar" hanging around the windscreen on the inside...the seats were comfy...well they werent patent leather if you ask...but thet were good nuff..any way that day they were breakin in a new driver so aside from the khalassi (assistant, navigator, apprentice and in general man friday fer the driver)the owner of teh truck and the driver along with me piled into the cabin..needless to say it was atight fit..hehe
the trip started with the khalassi pulling out mountain dew..and pffered a drink...i guess it was the proverbial champagne fer the trip..

it was about here that i started observing things around the cabin..i mean these guys were organised on the inside... he had a mobile charger cable comin out of a blower vent fer his cell phone..."nifty"...hehe
a loong line of tapes..along the windscreen...and the typical tape deck which plays the tapes just that much too fast so that the voices on teh tape are high pitched and tinny...
and i was treated to sings that i had never heard fer ages.."chudi maja na degi ..chandan maa na dega"
"saajan mera us paar hai" and other time-gone-by hits..that too in a ultra high pitch..killer shit
an experience to die fer..the authentic trip in the cab of a truck from gurgain to delhi..i saw the probs truckers have with carefully they choose their routes...and what it takes to be a trucker..staying away from home and family fer weeks at a time...
dude the truck is the drivers rolls and he has the right to PIMP it up... the high pitched tape reader is his ALPINE man!!!
after reading the 1st few lines of ur blog i thought u were gonna get kidnapped or somethin major had happend since u were hitchin a ride on a truck....DAMN IT!
i bet you were disappointed weren't you ..rohit jackass...
as fer the rolls..i definetly agree with tbone up there...pimp out the mofo!
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