From her vantage point she saw both armies approaching. A cloud of dust on opposite sides of her horizon.approaching at great speed. The sun glinting of a random piece of armour or blade. They weren’t large armies so to speak. Maybe a thousand horses and fifty thousand foot soldiers. But that wasn’t the point. The point was that the armies were evenly matched.
It would be a bitter and brutal fight, she thought to herself. Something moved on the ground a hundred feet below her. She raised her wings, but as an after thought she settled down again. No today she would be after bigger game. She thought about the folly of men. How they thought that war was the solution. War she had heard didn’t determine who was right; it just determined who was left.
Whoever would be left today she knew who would really benefit from today’s battle.
The armies came closer to each other. it seemed to her that the stand off point would be directly below her.
It didn’t matter, it didn’t. Not to her she was just a bystander. And she would watch as the sands turned red and the air would be filled with the screams of those who willingly died in vain for the frivolous whims of their leaders who while they were fighting on the dunes were stuffing themselves and indulging themselves.
She looked upon the faces of one of the armies which got closer. Stolid faces, expressionless. Some showed unbridled fear. It was natural.
The need to stretch her wings arose. Bad timing she thought. Armies wouldn’t consider her appearance a good omen, but on the other hand they wouldn’t fire arrows at her before the battle, would they? It was relatively safe.
She spread her wings and dropped the sheer face of the cliff caught an updraft and glided higher that her perch. At the pinnacle of her glide she let out a high pitched call which made the armies look up to the cutting sound in the hot desert atmosphere.
The face off was in position, it would not be long now.
The call was given and the armies headed into each other.
It was long and brutal and she watched as the battle raged all day and the armies fought tooth and nail, finally it was over one of the two surrendered. Who? She didn’t know. More over she didn’t care.
The sun went down on the desert and the battle was over. The armies retreated taking their dead with them. But not all was possible. The carnage was left and it would feed her and her brood of baby vultures for month
And as the armies retreated she had settled down to a good dinner. After all what did she care if man sought to fight futile wars? All she cared was to feed her young with the carrion that would be in supply for the near future.
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