Sunday, May 05, 2013


its a strange world we live in.
 we have advanced beyond our wildest dreams, a race capable of just about anything and the possibilities endless. unfortunately thats in both positive and negative connotations.
good and bad, juxtaposed.
rapists and Samaritans in a single story.
 people abandoning and adopting children. one story.
fighting for war. fighting for peace. one story.

what the fuck is going on.

The flavour of this two sided coin ultimately comes out bitter.for evil overshadows good, no matter what the movies and books tell you. the cake is a lie.

and so im convinced, that mankind is slowly but surely circling the drain. moving in the whirlpool of our own lies, deceit, stupidity, vanity, pride, lust, greed and violence... we are circling the drain.

and you will not i said that mankind is circling the drain. to quote iron maiden, the evil that men do lives on and on. also. only the good die young. and so while the good is circling the drain evil will live on.

and nothing anyone can do will be worth shit.

its not a battle. not an uphill one. it was a battle  it was something that we lost before we even knew we were fighting it. and its too late now. we made our bed, and we must lie in it.

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