So. its coming up on 10 months since i wrote anything here. and frankly, im here to set things straight.
interesting story on how this blog started out. I used to write about the turning points in my life, you know, the stuff i felt was kinda significant to the development of me .. as a person.. as opposed to you know.. a lamp? (stolen from rafiya)
anyways. i used to have this password protected word doc.. and one day some how i ended up with multiple copies and in merging them.. i lost about 8 months of significant shit.. since then i decided.. im moving to a blog.. and here i am.
A lot changed since my last blog post.
lets see.
dollar dreams shattered and i moved back to india.. well dollar dreams is kinda going overboard.. never did have dollar dreams.. :P
I got a job in delhi...
got my own place..
became independent.
ended a 3 year relationship and became single.. (I may go into details if i feel like it, but i dont right now.)
The friends scene has drastically changed tho..
It seems all those people who told me "wapas aaja.. khoob chill karenge" were nothing but ghosts, evaporating into misty nothingness as soon i came close enough to touch them. sigh. now the friends i keep in touch most are the ones back in the states, who tell me "wapas aaja, khoob chill karenge" ...paradoxical shit right there...
so here i am.. sindu recently told me.. "when you were here, you had a life but no job, now you have a job, but no life" truer words were never spoken.
so i stay late at work, cuz i get to see people, i know, i know.. paradoxical again, cuz im such a misanthrope, but hey. sue me for wanting what i want.
I enjoy my work, it feeds my soul, and cover the hole my friends left behind.
2 years ago if you would have asked me what a friday evening meant.. i would have said.. booze and friends.. and being outside.. 2 years i have never been inside the walls of my apartment on a friday evening..
now i find myself not wanting to leave the office, because i dont want to go back to the 4 walls of my empty apartment. sigh.
I want to point out that this time its been different from the friends who ditched me when i needed them ... these friends are simply oblivious.
I learn and i live.
forever alone.

You cant always get what you wanted (stolen from the great stones). Man, I know what you are going through as its reflective of my life right now as well.
But I will tell you one thing, you are not alone. Let me spell it out for you
Y.O.U. A.R.E. N.O.T. A.L.O.N.E.
thanks man. i appreciate.
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