We think about ourselves. Our gains. Our losses. We don’t really care what’s happening in some one else's lives.we aren’t bothered. We aren’t even interested.
And look at us
There still isn’t any happiness. And I mean true happiness. I’m not talking about an ice cream cone fer gawds sake. I’m talking about the whole. The macro. And the overall.

Look at everybody. Struggling.fighting.running.to get somewhere. You never really get there. And what you do finally get...is a kind of a compromise in life. You never really get exactly what you want.
I mean some ppl do. Don’t get me wrong here.
Some people do get what they want.
But it’s never exactly what they always wanted.
If you know some one like this, walk up to them and ask them if it was exactly what they set out to achieve.
You will learn that there are sacrifices they made, which affect their overall happiness from the above mentioned achievement.
So coming back to bone.
There is this character called "smiley bone". And he’s always shown having a smile on his face. Grandma Ben describes him as "oh he has no brain". He’s happy throughout the comic.
He gets thrown out of his town. He’s happy. He’s trudging through the desert. He’s happy. He’s starving. He’s happy. He finds a new town. Ends up as bonded labor. He’s happy.
That got me thinking..
That if us humans (rumored to) have such well developed brains
We have achieved so much towards, science, technology, medicine. We put a man on the moon for god’s sake (at least in theory) and a machine on mars. But no happiness.
It comes in fleeting glances.
Think about it.
you see some one walking down the road smiling to himself, or laughing to him self and you go "Oh he’s lost his mind" or "crazy fool" or something to that effect.
But look at him. He’s happy. You are not.
He may not have shoes. He may be homeless. He may be hungry for 2 days. But he’s happy. Can you say the same about yourself?
Is that what it takes to be happy?
Losing your mind?
No bills no obligations. No family to remember. No worries.
It’s kind of sad. But only from a sane point of view.
Think of things from his viewpoint.
It’s not so bad.
But then again this is one mans opinion.
Have a nice day.
1 comment:
Really Interesting.. Well put thought on simple expression 'its all in the mind'.. Keep Rocking..a good blog to follow..
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