this was mildly amusing, but the sheer stupidity pissed me off.
this is how it went.
I was on the bus to campus the other day...and 4 women get on at the edge of the campus. In each of their hands was a plastic bag with the words
"RAPE. Talk About It. Prevent it".

Now this to me was a stupid idea....naturally it was evident that the 4 of them had just got back from a talk on rape...
Now I dont usually get into sensitive topics like this, but in this case I just have to point out the sheer stupidity in the validity of the concept of talking about rape to prevent it.
Now dont get me wrong, i hold women in the highest respect, and i do believe that any one who violates women deserves to have a nuke fired up his ass. But i also believe that an all women group talking about rape CANNOT prevent least not until you get the men involved.
Unless the men attend a focus/support group or whatever it is teaching them how to "keep it in their pants" talking about rape cannot prevent it.
Also lets face facts. Talking will also not help prevent rape for the simple fact that rape by definition means that the women have no say in the whole "process". cuz if they did, then it wouldnt be rape.
so a word of advice to all women.
MACE. see image below.

My advice: Though all forms of mace are equally discouraging I recommend the middle one.
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