Friday, August 25, 2006


Life is about a lot of things.we live it as though we have a lot of time, but we dont realize that while we plan and think we are losing that time.we have people around us, and one thing we need from those people is their support and love.

has it ever happened that you were admidst a number of people but still felt lonely?ever felt that although there are so many people around you ,that you are essentially alone?

i have that feeling.that maybe i jus dont connect with people on their level.there lonliness comes in.seeping like the ooze from a leaky sewage pipe.and into your sordid lonely single serving measly existence.

you have had that feeling of lonliness?then welcom to my need love!of course you have love , you say .but thats just what you say.ask your self do you feel?do you feel loved?

think about it.ever lay alone ion bed... jus wishing you had some one to hold..that some one would hold you..and things wouldbe sooo much better...that to wake up next to that special some one...

and im not talking about a one night stand lovin... its for keeps...even the most playboy type guys know what im talking about...on the surface of it they are lik 'fuck it steady .... no ball and chain = happiness..."wrongo!

ask your self and ill be back soon with more insights on mankinds measly existence on earth!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey..liked the one on N.D
particularly the sunshine that goes away..leaving the darkness with the promise that accompanies that it will come back..or will it..?and u r left with that question in ur mind..