Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Reflections on a quiet evening

Happiness is a transitory state of mind. Euphoria is short lived. Life is a string of mildly disappointing events, sparsely interspersed with happiness.
It's in this pursuit that mankind often sets his goals. We equate people, products, events and even love with this short, effervescent and subliminal feeling we call happiness. It is in fact so short lived and rare, I don't think any one has been truly happy more than a handful of times in their complete lives.

We blur the line between these people products etc etc against happiness. We confuse our minds and souls and direct our lives like that.
We align our lives trying to achieve theses things, forgetting the important things in life.
We are so comfortable in our shoes that we many don't even know what it feels like to walk on freshly turned earth.

When was the last time you smiled, not because you had to, but simply because you couldn't stop.

When was the last time you felt that if your life came to an end right now, you really wouldn't mind?

We confuse joy, pride, achievements of goals as happiness.
Wake up and smell the coffee. It's not gonna work.
Don't be a fuckhead, break free from the chains and in the immortal words of pantera..WALK.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Hello, stupid.

suddenly i realize there not enough intellectual people for me to mingle with.
what the fuck just went down?
i mean seriously?
granted the caveman was a huge brute-oaf  with not enough intellect to beat the pulp out of a goddamned banana, but this is the 21st century?goddammit man. pull yourself together.

we live a world of infinite content. music, books, art, literature, philosophy, geography, literature. all fucking accessible at the touch of a button.. or a few click at the very least. fuck you.
learn something why wont you?

im sick of people walking around with naught but static between the ears. apparently its the latest fad to be a dumbass. people know the latest gossip about the hottest stars. but ask em how many planets in our solar system and which is the closest star to earth and "this is the dumbass you were looking for"

goddamn jackasses with not a shred of common sense to not stand in a fucking door way blocking the path for every one, and not enough spatial awareness to notice that an elephant walked into the room and took the seat next  to yours.

whatever the fuck happened to natural selection. like george carlin said, with all this emphasis o n safety, we are messing with the natural order of things and some people are just washing their feet in the genepool...

humanity is pretty much fucked if these people have offspring.

we're doomed.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Roll over..why dont you??

so here i sit hammering away at this plastic keyboard..in mild anger and resentment. its been a strange feeling. its a change. its a static life moving forward. its a life that lacks a backbone. incapable of standing up for itself.

we live in a society. fair enough. but why do people forget that the sentence "we live in society" has the phrase "we live". Then where the fuck does society get off telling us how to live our lives and passing on fucking dictates to us? fuck you society.
for the wayward, random, uninformed and rare readers of the blog I apologize. Its not possible to start at the beginning but ill try and give you a reference. Ive been brought up with a fairly scientific bent of mind. i would in part credit my parents and teacher, but in the end its my code of ethics and understanding of science that has me where i am. I question shit. I ask for reason and logic. Im not a rebel. well i am. but not when i see cause and effect. not when i see reason. not when i hear logic. I question tradition. i ask for reasons. i ask why. who. when. what. it makes people uncomfortable. they brand me an anarchist. a rebel. a pirate. you know what. doesn't bother me.

i would rather burn in your (potential) made up hell that you have been taught to believe in, than live this life (for which i am substantial living proof) following made up illogical shit with the reason .. "because it is written". a giant fuck you, not today. thank you kindly.

yet there are people who would blindly, in this day and age step up and tow the line they are handed, without questioning where they were towing the line to, or what it was that they were towing. they live their life by the seasons, watching them pass by. turning the pages of the calendar every month and then eventually putting their off spring into the same fucking rut they lived in. asking them in turn to tow the line. hence ladies and gentlemen. tradition was born. it requires no thinking, no understanding. and the biggest of all, no uncertainty. hence, no fear. fear is mans greatest fear. the words 'what if' are both full of possibility and dread. and it is the risk and uncertainties that man fears. and this fear leads him to close his eyes and tow the line handed to him.

no. knowledge. there is more to life than what we know. or what society knows. you have one life. live. learn. decide..for yourself. choose. question. live. dont follow. believe..in yourself. have courage. trust people..not too much. travel. read. love.. learn and respect, but dont blindly do..

fuck you i wont do what you tell me. fuck you i wont do what you tell me....
yeah... rage against the machine had it right..