i know its not possible to run from certain things that need to be faced, but there are times when you feel you need to change your life and this is not what you should be doing...or maybe you are sick of a certain rut you are in... so what do you do?? be proactive and make some changes in your life. and then you are happy for a while thinking ..yeah now im better off... life kicks you in the shins. and it will do that my friend, just you wait.
So anyways, you observe after a while that the changes you made arent exactly working out the way you expected them to....and guess what? your sorry ass is back to square one, and not only are you in a rut, but you are in the same bloody rut you were in before...now isnt that nice?

and as you lay on the floor holding your shins in your hands, life kicks you in the kidneys, kinda a sweet way of saying, dont try that again, or its gonna get worse.
And so slowly comes the realisation that come what may, your life is gonna be a certain way, and nothing you or anyone around you can do anything about it. and you are gonna have to deal with it...cause thats the way it is!