This story started in may.
Last semester of engineering.After my final Project display and Viva, i started growing my goatee.I had no authority over me, no officials to impress with my docility, i grew my goatee.
I grew it until feburary.
9 grew long and thick.
People asked me why i grew it.I replied "because i can" and it was the truth.
I had no one to tell me i couldn't, so i could grow it however i wanted.
Over time it infused itself with me, became not only a part of me but also of my soul and personality.
I set my self apart from the populace.I'm not saying it made me cool or it made me hip.Just that it made me "me".I had a personality.I was something.With my goatee i was something...without it i was just another guy.
for 9 months the bond wit my goatees was strong.... i grew to love it...and i never missed my chin.
I worked for 2 months in an organization and i was the only one with a a goatee....i was indeed different...a part from the crowd....a singular entity..I felt like i was a king among cattle.
With it i was someone..without it i was a nobody.
Up until was time..time to let go .....time to give it up...join th masses because it was time..
i miss it...and i miss that part of my personality that it took with it....
i wanna be somebody....