Monday, January 22, 2007

web of lies

One fool mortal sits alone.. dreaming dreams of fancy. Weaving together memories and expectations together in a web in which the only prey is fool moral looks about himself and sees people happy. He does not reason but only looks more inwards and wonders whether or not is he happy. He looks to the others happiness and tells himself that he cares not.. but he does.. so some one had told him .. once.. long ago.. in another lifetime.. or so did it seem?

He wallows in his own pain.. lets his sorrow calm him down.. his thoughts and wishes.. blurred by the vision of the joy of others… he feels dejected rejected and alone in this over populated planet.. how is that possible he wonders.. and he is sad
Nothing like pain through the heart to feel sorry for ones self.
Some one once told him.. self pity is the worst enemy.. he didn’t listen.. he pities himself and feels sorry…
And the pain ravages on!

Tragedy Scavengers

every one seems to like a good tragedy.
the public is a bunch of sadistic pigs.. jus comin home i have to come over a railway over bridge..
its kind of, how you say a suicide magnet.. ppl like jumping off.. to think of it its kind of hard to imagine taht ust yesterday i stood there..where a man has just jumped off to his death...

my first clue was an ambulance jus standing near the tracks, bu6t since the driver was jus packing gutkha in his mouth i assumed he was jus parked there taking a break then i got on the overbridge and sw the sight..

there were bicycles parked by the dozens on either side of the overbridge with people looking down upon what i assume is a gory and bloody sight..
not only cycle.. but there were scooters bikes cars and even a tourist bus.. i kid you not...

people with sunglasses and helmets in shirts and shorts, either headed out or home, to office or work, in a hurry or at leisure had stopped to take a look at the dead body of some poor soul who was probably had enough of the burden on his delicate soul while a train had done the honours of cutting him in two.. depending...

people leaning over the wall as if they were at a tourist spot in the hills looking down upon a valley, smiling and taking pictures for their albums...
its a sick world we live in.perverted and sadistic...

are you part of this world?

Sunday, January 07, 2007

shame upon you

we have lost it!
why wont some one stand up and admit it?
are we ashamed to say that as a race of men and women who were created equal among animals has evolved into.. into this?
this shithole we call a gene pool?
greed and hunger ....the call of money and power ..
thats all that rules the mind today.
look around you ..
capitalism everywhere..
hang your head in shame as a human.
I spit upon us!
every this is ruled by money.
there is no love no humanity no feelings no care
slaves to capitalism is what i believe it to be.
i call out TO YOU! break free...